Celebrate Freedom


Passover, our celebration of freedom from Egypt, as well as our freedom from our own personal challenges is approaching.

We have the following options available to celebrate this year giving the circumstances while we look forward to celebrating the way we are accustomed to celebrating next year.

More information about Passover, its history, and traditions is available here.



The first Seder will take place Monday evening, April 22nd at 6:30 PM at the Hotel Monteverde. Includes a full meal, hand made shmurah matzah, and a meaningful experience for all as we explore our freedom from Egypt and what it means to us in 2024. The cost is $40 USD or $700 MXN. If you would like to sponsor a reservation for someone or receive a sponsorship, please contact us by email.

If you would like to order Shmurah Matzah, Passover supplies, or anything to help on conduct your own seder, please contact us at rabbi@chabadsma.com.


SHmurah Matzah

The main mitzvah of Passover, eating matzah is one of the highlights of the night. To receive your own handcrafted matzah, please fill out this form.


Seder to Go

If you would like to request a Seder To Go kit with everything you need to run your own seder, complete with a hagada, matza, wine and instructions, please fill out this form. The cost of the seder to go is $500 pesos.


Maot Chittim

In the opening paragraph of the Haggadah recited at the Seder, we declare: "All who are hungry, let them come and eat."

Chabad is dedicated to ensuring that every Jew, regardless of their financial situation, has a place at the Passover table and all the Pesach necessities. Your donation to our Passover programs can help us make this season a true celebration of freedom for all.

Please consider supporting our efforts to create inclusive and meaningful experiences for everyone in the community.


Sell your Chametz

During the holiday of Passover we not only refrain from eating chametz, leavened food, we don't even have it in our possession. Whatever chametz is not consumed before pesach is traditionally sold to a non Jew and bought back after the holiday. You can use the link below to sell your chametz online.